Announcement: Universal Preschool Colorado family applications are now open. Click here for more information.
In the first months, babies change and grow fast! Even when babies are born early or with health concerns, they soon begin to show interest in learning about and interacting with the world. Newborns learn by seeing, listening, and touching the things around them. They begin to communicate what they need, and they start to have a sense of attachment and security with their caregivers and parents.
See below for different ways you can help your child develop in response to different behaviors.
Children This Age May: | How You Can Help Them Develop: |
Children This Age May: Be sensitive to loud sounds, bright lights, or activity, and may suddenly throw their arms out to the sides when startled. |
How You Can Help Them Develop: Be aware that these are normal responses.Move them to a quiet and soothing atmosphere to protect them from too much noise or activity. |
Children This Age May: Learn to adjust their bodies for comfort and snuggle into a caregiver’s body when being held or fed.
*NOTE: Babies who are born early, or who spend an extended time in the hospital, may move differently or use different body positions. |
How You Can Help Them Develop: Offer a variety of positions for them when they are awake—such as in your arms, on your shoulder, or on the baby’s back, sides, or stomach—to promote body movement and to acquaint babies with different positions. |
Children This Age May: Begin to follow their parents’ and caregivers’ faces with their eyes, later moving their head.
Copy facial expressions in response to a parent or caregiver’s voice or smile. |
How You Can Help Them Develop: Build skills and trust simply by looking at them warmly and quietly when they are awake. |
Children This Age May: Develop a sense of trust and security with parents and caregivers.
How You Can Help Them Develop: Provide consistent routines that help them know what to expect. This may mean doing some activities, such as feeding and changing, the same way each time. |
Check out the videos below to learn more about the parent experience, bonding, and trust.
View or download our Tip Sheet for 0-4 Months for more information on important milestones and behaviors for children in this age group.
Guiding Principles
Development of the Guidelines
Purposes of the Guidelines
Structure of the Guidelines
Birth to Age 3
Physical Development and Health
Social Development
Emotional Development
Language and Literacy Development
Cognitive Development
Approaches to Learning
Birth to Four Months
Ages 4–8 Months
Ages 9–18 Months
Ages 19–36 Months
Ages 3–5
Physical Development & Health
Social & Emotional Development
English Language Development
Language Development
Literacy Knowledge & Skills
Logic & Reasoning
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills
Science Knowledge & Skills
Approaches to Learning
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills
Creative Arts Expression
Kindergarten through 3rd Grade
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Colorado English Language Proficiency
World Languages
Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Drama and Theatre Arts
Raising Colorado Kids Guide is brought to you by the Colorado Office of Early Childhood.
For general help, call 1-800-799-5876 or email
Raising Colorado Kids is brought to you by the Colorado Department of Early Childhood.
For general help, call 1-800-799-5876 or email